On 01/26/2006 06:07 PM, James C. Dastrup wrote:
>> On 1/26/06, Big Wave Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I believe most people feel it is the Nvidia 5200.  To some degree this
>>> is a "hot" topic, where people have their die-hard opinions.  It seems
>>> as if the general opinion though is that MythTV favors Nvidia.
>> I have had quite a bit of pain with the 6xxx cards.. the 5xxx cards "just 
>> work".
> 5200's just work? Really? Please, let me in on your secret. I've built 
> several myth
> systems, always with ATI, and now *that's* a video card that just works. No
> worries about opengl, XvMC, OSD, driver versions, compile options, etc.

No worries about OpenGL 2.0--because ATI's drivers only support OpenGL 
1.3.  No worries about XvMC--because ATI's drivers don't support XvMC.  :)

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