On 01/26/2006 07:00 PM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
> On 27/01/2006, at 10:07 AM, Michael T. Dean wrote:
>> XvMC works fine on the 6200, 6600, 6800, 7800, and all the other cards
>> that use pixel shaders for video.  What's changed, however, is how  
>> it's
>> implemented.  Like any good API, XvMC is independent of the
>> hardware--it's up to the drivers to map API calls to hardware  
>> calls, so
>> it's been handled by NVIDIA.
> Would it work with the 6500 cards too ?
> I wonder is this why I can't get XvMC to work with my nvidia 6500  
> card .. I always get a Segmentation Fault when I select this in MythTV
It should (barring the occasional bug in a driver version here or 
there).  I just named a few of the cards I've heard are using 
shaders--didn't mean the list to be all-inclusive.  Basically, XvMC's 
iDCT and MC are supported by the NVIDIA drivers on all GF4 MX and newer 
cards, and MC is supported on GF4 Ti (no iDCT).  

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