> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Rubinow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 09:38 PM
> To: 'Discussion about mythtv'
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Can't get glx to load
> On the Sis web site, it sound like the onboard video is AGP:
> http://www.sis.com/products/sis650.htm

Good reasearch.  I stand corrected. :-)  I began to research this before my 
first post, but I didn't know which Sis chip you have.

> But aside from that, I'm not doing XvMC on the onboard video.  The CPU
> is maxed.  Would that be the case if the CPU was waiting for the bus
> to be free?

Hmm, I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that.  The first thing I'd do is use 
"top" to check CPU load and find out which programs are using the most.  I'd 
also do a "ps aux" to view all running processes, identify those that are not 
needed, and prevent them from loading.  Also check loaded modules and remove 
those that are not necessary.  Lastly, I'd custom compile my own kernel.

The easiest way to accomplish this is with a base install of a certain 
distribution.  Lets take Debian, as an example.  Download and burn the 
NetInstall CD and perform the installation.  Towards the end of the install, 
you're given a choice as to whether the PC is to be an e-mail server, DNS 
server, desktop, web server, etc..  Cancle out of that and you have a fairly 
clean base system with very few unwanted services running in the background.  

Most of what I stated here will free up more memory than it would CPU cycles, 
but those services that are running in the background will use some CPU cycles 
from time to time.  And, from what I've read from your posts, you're almost 
there, and you just need to free up a few more CPU cycles to prevent it from 
being fully taxed.  Stopping some services via their init.d scripts may get you 

- Ken

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