> > But aside from that, I'm not doing XvMC on the onboard video.  The CPU
> > is maxed.  Would that be the case if the CPU was waiting for the bus
> > to be free?
> Hmm, I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that.  The first thing I'd do is 
> use "top" to check CPU load and find out which programs are using the most.  
> I'd also do a "ps aux" to view all running processes, identify those that are 
> not needed, and prevent them from loading.  Also check loaded modules and 
> remove those that are not necessary.  Lastly, I'd custom compile my own 
> kernel.
> The easiest way to accomplish this is with a base install of a certain 
> distribution.  Lets take Debian, as an example.  Download and burn the 
> NetInstall CD and perform the installation.  Towards the end of the install, 
> you're given a choice as to whether the PC is to be an e-mail server, DNS 
> server, desktop, web server, etc..  Cancle out of that and you have a fairly 
> clean base system with very few unwanted services running in the background.  
> Build
> Most of what I stated here will free up more memory than it would CPU cycles, 
> but those services that are running in the background will use some CPU 
> cycles from time to time.  And, from what I've read from your posts, you're 
> almost there, and you just need to free up a few more CPU cycles to prevent 
> it from being fully taxed.  Stopping some services via their init.d scripts 
> may get you there.
> - Ken

I've been running top, and CPU occasionally is a couple of percent
when the system is idle, but that's all.  I'm starting to think about
a carefully compiled kernel, that could help.  I'm running Fedora, and
although I've only compiled kernels under Debian before, I don't
expect it should be much trouble.  Thanks for the suggestions.

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