> On Jan 28, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Derek Scollon wrote:

>> I suspect this is a problem with KDE rather than Mythtv, but I was  
>> hoping maybe one of you could point me in the right direction to  
>> start debugging this.

>> I built a Mythtv box using FC3 about a year ago and followed the  
>> Fedora HOWTO, including the step to log into KDE and start the  
>> Mythtv frontend automatically after booting up. This worked  
>> faultlessly until I recently moved house. I've finally got around  
>> to setting the box up again (I believe) in the same way as before.  
>> Now after booting, I am presented with a KDE login screen. After  
>> entering the login, I am immediately thrown back to the login  
>> screen. I know the login details are correct because if I enter  
>> wrong details, I get a message telling me they're wrong.

>> Any idea what would be causing KDE to immediately log out after  
>> logging in like this? I haven't included many specifics here  
>> because I'm not sure what specifics are relevant to this problem,  
>> so just ask if you need more detail. I'm mystified what has  
>> happened when apparently nothing has changed except my home address.

> You obviously haven't been made aware of the "region locking" the  
> MPAA has imposed on KDE, since it has heard that KDE can play DVDs.

> Just kidding.

> Are you being presented with a graphical KDE login? If you can get  
> back to booting into text mode, then starting KDE with "startx", you  
> can then see what messages KDE is giving you when you try to start it.

> You could also check the appropriate log files, but the above method  
> is more likely to spot your problems.

> Normally if you start in text mode you would have a ".xinitrc" file  
> in your home directory, the contents of which is "exec startkde", I'm
> not sure how you are starting kde.

> You are correct, however, this is a kde or system problem, not a  
> MythTV one.

Had one of those DOH! moments today. Logged in as root to check a few things 
and as I usually do, started by typing df. Between dismantling the TV and 
switching off the box, the hard disk had filled to 100%. No wonder KDE couldn't 
start up. Deleted a few files and I'm up and running again.


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