
I received all of Dr. Wilcox's engineering notes, book corrections, and 
hand-wrapped 68K board from him a couple of years ago. My intention had 
been to scan the notes and the book errata and place them on a web site as 
he indicated that he had no problem with that as long as credit was 
properly given. I looked briefly through the errata list last night but 
didn't see anything specifically related to the problem mentioned. 
Unfortunately, I don't have an operational system at this time (and little 
time to concentrate on getting one built) or I'd work with the wire-wrapped 
and the project's boards to see if I could spot any differences.

I will try to start working on scans this week and will coordinate with 
Andrew or other admin to post these to the pbworks web site if that seems a 
logical place to everyone. I will also try to get a very high res photo of 
the wire-wrapped board that he originally built. Maybe that would give some 
insight to someone regarding a change the might have otherwise gone 

Regards, Brian.

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