I found out via nagios.  It said the duration was 6 hours for the
outage, and I couldn't match it up with any alerts that were sent to
my mailbox.

Thanks for the tips

On Nov 19, 2007 3:48 PM, Aaron Devey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't see any obvious problems with your service definitions.  Did you
> find out TrendMicro was down for 6 hours by reviewing the nagios logs?
> If so, that means nagios at least saw the service had a problem.  If you
> found out it was down by some other means, perhaps you can check the
> nagios logs to make sure nagios saw a "critical" or "warning" problem
> with the service.
> Also, If you have log_notifications turned on, try examining the logs of
> the timeperiod it was down.  If you don't see any attempts to send a
> notification for TrendMicro on lg03, then it's likely a configuration
> problem somewhere.
> Finding it is the hard part. :)  The first places I would check are the
> service_notification_period, service_notification_options, and
> service_notification_commands for the contacts in the 'mis' group.
> Follow the service_notification_commands to make sure the command it
> points to is set up correctly as well.  If there are no problems there,
> I'd make sure there are no service escalations for that service.
> If that doesn't help, I have no idea what the problem could be. :)
> Good luck,
> -Aaron
> Jerad Riggin wrote:
> >
> > define service{
> >         name                            generic-service ; Generic
> > service name
> >         active_checks_enabled           1               ; Active
> > service checks are enabled
> >         passive_checks_enabled          1               ; Passive
> > service checks are enabled/accepted
> >         parallelize_check               1               ; Active
> > service checks should be parallelized (Don't disable)
> >         obsess_over_service             1               ; We should
> > obsess over this service (if necessary)
> >         check_freshness                 0               ; Default is
> > to NOT check service 'freshness'
> >         notifications_enabled           1               ; Service
> > notifications are enabled
> >         event_handler_enabled           1               ; Service
> > event handler is enabled
> >         flap_detection_enabled          1               ; Flap
> > detection is enabled
> >         process_perf_data               1               ; Process
> > performance data
> >         retain_status_information       1               ; Retain
> > status information across program restarts
> >         retain_nonstatus_information    1               ; Retain
> > non-status information across program restarts
> >         register                        0               ; DONT
> >         }
> >
> >
> > define service{
> >         use                             generic-service
> >         name                            windows-service
> >         is_volatile                     0
> >         check_period                    24x7
> >         max_check_attempts              5
> >         normal_check_interval           3
> >         retry_check_interval            1
> >         notification_interval           15
> >         notification_period             24x7
> >         register                        0
> >         }
> >
> > define service{
> >         use                             windows-service
> >         name                            check-trend
> >         notification_options            w,u,c,r
> >         check_command                   check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d
> > SHOWALL -l ofcservice
> >         register                        0
> >         }
> >
> > define service{
> >         use                             check-trend
> >         service_description                             TrendMicro
> >         contact_groups                  mis
> >         # hostgroup_name                        windows-clients
> >         host_name                       lg03
> > }
> >
> >

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