
> > Solaris version? platform (Sparc/AMD)? plugin version?
> > let me try on my system (check_disk and check_dumy)

Solaris SPARC, T1000 hardware.

> > btw: have you check
> >     resolver (nsswitch.com / resolv.conf / hosts + ipnodes)?
> >     tcp-wrapper involve?
> >     maybe truss it? (truss -f -o truss.out check_xxx xxx)

There is no problems involved in running the plugins / notifications at
the command line, they execute in no time.

The delay we can see is from nagios stating in the nagios.log that is
going to send the alert and to the bash script / check is actually

So the delay probably has to do with the way nagios spawns serialized
commands (as we see it?).

// Steffen Poulsen

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