Melanie Pfefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/22/2008 05:53:03 

> also another question please. I had no problem on my
> test machine. On my prod machine I got this error:
> (No output!) 
> according to
>, I should
> apply a patch. In that case, how to apply this patch?
> according to
>, I
> need to add use lib "" to the perl
> script. how to specify that path?
> thanks
> PS: I m using Linux fedora
(No Output) could be a variety of things. First run the command from the 
command line with the -v switch to see the verbose output, as the nagios 
user of course, and from there begin troubleshooting. I doubt it is option 
#2 since I have not had to modify the script on any server. If you have to 
apply a patch I would start with contacting the developer of the script.
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