
Thanks indeed.
I have one windows 2000 server among the windows
servers. should I simply install snmp on this machine
(just as windows 2003?) or do I need net-snmp?

Meanwhile, this host is part of a hostgroup. I wanted
to disable the disk check for this host only but I got

Sorry, but Nagios is currently not checking for
external commands, so your command will not be
Read the documentation for information on how to
enable external commands...
I tried to change this from nagios.cfg:
check_external_commands=1 (was 0)

but nagios failed to start.

Any idea how to disable this check for this host only?

This is what I had in the logs:

[1203927618] Error: Could not create external command
file '/usr/local/nagios2/var/rw/nagios.cmd' as named
pipe: (2) -> No such file or directory.  If this file
already exists and you are sure that another copy of
Nagios is not running, you should delete this file.
[1203927618] Bailing out due to errors encountered
while trying to initialize the external command
file... (PID=11896)


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Melanie Pfefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on
> 02/22/2008 09:16:51 
> AM:
> > Hello Mark, all,
> > Yes true but what to put instead of the
> hostname(TROY)
> > in?
> > check_snmp_windows_disk!TROY!95!98!^[CDE]:!
> > in case I want to put the hostgroup_name 
> > 
> > thanks
> You would use hostgroup_name in the service
> definition and this line:
> check_snmp_windows_disk!$HOSTADDRESS$!95!98!^[CDE]:
> You can use $HOSTNAME$ but I wouldn't as DNS issues
> will then cause your 
> checks to fail.

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