Hello list

I am using nagios 3.0.I am having problem in getting notification for any
port down in my router.I am using snmp to collect data.

define service{
use            generic-service    ; Inherit values from a template
host_name        hongkong-gw1
service_description    Port 10 descr adminstatus operstatus
check_command        check_snmp! -C public -o

this gives me output

SNMP OK - Serial0/0 up(1) up(1) "FTIL1566 Connection to Londonpop-gw1

now when the  port goes down , i recieve messege saying SMNP data not
recieved from host , problem unknown.but i want that it should give me
messege that the port is down.

is there anything i need to change in the above check_snmp command?

appreciate your help !!

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