Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Martyn wrote:
>> How do I add the windows credentials.
>> check_nt -H -p 1248 -v INSTANCES -l Process
>> If I run the above it will give me a refused connection, where in the above
>> line would I add the username and password of the Windows box I want to
>> connect to?
> You're holding a hammer and want someone to explain to you how to use it
> as a car. It can't be done with check_nt, but there are other programs out
> there that can ask questions over WMI, and you already know of some of
> them. Google should hold plenty of other resources if installing nsclient,
> NCNet or nsclient++ is not an option for you, although some programming
> may be necessary on your part.
*warning: post contains rant*

Andreas, you're making my head hurt! ;) I've been using (learning) 
Nagios now for about a week now and haven't encountered anything with 
such a vertical learning curve like this since I started learning Linux 
in 1996. Climbing this learning curve causes massive frustration, but 
once success happens there's a huge release of satisfaction and 
self-accomplishment. I personally am enjoying the trip and experience.

Yesterday, after feeling comfortable getting Nagios to talk to servers 
on my local network for checking the obvious services running on them - 
linux and windows servers - like IIS, Apache, SMTP and the like I 
started working on getting my workstation to talk to the Nagios server 
via the NSClient++ package. This is going to be yet another challenge 
and one I fully accept.

Let me tell you, for me the harder something is the more tenacious I 
become and refuse to let go until I master it. That being said the 
documentation which comes with Nagios seriously sucks until you begin to 
get on to the Nagios way of doing things. Over the last week I have 
googled more than I have in the last 5 years getting my test-bed nagios 
system going. I have literally googled my brains out. At the moment I'm 
somewhat at a loss to know whether I've worked harder googling for 
information or actually getting to know the Nagios way and making things 
work! I'm leaning towards Googling...

So for you to curtly suggest that all can easily be found googling as an 
answer to this question is, well... just too easy. Either you don't 
actually know or you don't feel like telling. I totally understand 
though because I suspect you yourself have worked very hard getting to 
know and work with Nagios and have put quite a bit of time into the 
gaining the experience you now possess, but throwing us noobs a bone 
isn't really asking too much is it?

Bone == link to information
slap in one's face == go google it...

Yeah... we can find the stuff we need by googling for it, but wouldn't 
it be nice if the documentation were a lot more robust and contained in 
a wiki somewhere? I have yet to find one for Nagios. In fact most of the 
sites I've found for Nagios waste my time. Which is pretty much what 
suggesting someone google for something does. They're hoping for, at the 
very least a kick in the ass in the right direction but get sent back to 
the place of frustration - Google! The trick to googling is knowing the 
right question to ask and after you've been spending hours trying to 
suss out something that is vexing one's soul that becomes an exercise in 
futility. (I'm ranting, but I don't mean it in an accusatory tone.)

As I said, I do understand that you and others have invested a great 
deal of time and effort into learning Nagios and how to work it, but if 
you don't want to share whats locked away in your brains then why even 
respond to the post?

If I've offended I do apologize, but as an experience network admin and 
a Nagios noob I know the value of my time and yours and others searching 
for the information that would hopfully unlock the doors currently 
barring them from reaching the next milestone or goal. I appreciated 
your metaphore of a hammer and a car; the fact that it can't be done 
with check_nt was informative, but then you lost me when you said just 
google it.

Google What for pete's sake? (after a long day of wrestling with the 
beast that could mean google for anything ranging from the best recipe 
for blueberry pancakes to the ingredient to a fusion device!)

Frankly, if I knew more about Nagios and the intimacies thereof, I would 
gladly host a wiki for it on one my web servers, but alas I'm a noob. my 
one burning question: Why the hell isn't there a wiki for Nagios, and if 
there is where the bloody hell is it?

Thank you for you kind attention and for putting up with this petulant 
Nagios Newbie.


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