Hi all,

I am using check_sql for checking MSSQL server ( or I would like to
check MSSQL servers ). I compiled
freetds with --with-tdsver=8.0 support on my debian system and all
went ok, in /etc/freetds.conf I have

        # TDS protocol version
#;      tds version = 4.2
        tds version = 8.0

# A typical Microsoft server
        host = sss.sss.sss.sss
        port = 1433
        tds version = 8.0

and when I run ./check_mssql -H sss.sss.sss.sss -p 1433 -U USER -P PASSWORD

I am constantly getting output


Ok, I tried to solve this myself and I found at \

that is recommneded to change host-->server in line

my $cs = "DBI:$driver:" . ($database ? "database=$database;" : '') .
"server=$hostname" . ($port ? ";port=$port" : '');

so I changed that, but still I am getting same output for above command.

I am just trying to get minimal response from MSSQL server, connection
to port 1433 is open and I can connect via
telnet sss.sss.sss.sss 1433  and it works.

Any hint is welcome, I exhausted all my ideas, and thank you in advance

Nice regards,


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