Wow, so little time to follow the list, but I've got through all this so I 
figure I had to chime in... 


Start testing via the command line...

my environment works like...  

[r...@server]# ./check_mssql -H mssqlsrvr -p 1433 -t 10 -U user -P password

CHECK_MSSQL OK - SQL Server responded in 0.025192 seconds | time=0.025192s;;



1) based on your freetds entry... the servername for the check should be "MSSQL"

2) are you using windows or SQL Auth?  if using windows domain users to auth... 
you may need to do "-U domain\\user" as the username


Also tweak the debug logging and check the logs for other helpful bits.

Mat W. -

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:21:50 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] CHECK_MSSQL CRITICAL allways as output when use 
> check_sql for MSSQL checking
> 2009/9/9 Arlen Drina <>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am using check_sql for checking MSSQL server ( or I would like to
> > check MSSQL servers ). I compiled
> > freetds with --with-tdsver=8.0 support on my debian system and all
> > went ok, in /etc/freetds.conf I have
> >
> > [global]
> >        # TDS protocol version
> > #;      tds version = 4.2
> >        tds version = 8.0
> >
> > # A typical Microsoft server
> > [MSSQL]
> >        host = sss.sss.sss.sss
> >        port = 1433
> >        tds version = 8.0
> >
> > and when I run ./check_mssql -H sss.sss.sss.sss -p 1433 -U USER -P PASSWORD
> >
> > I am constantly getting output
> >
> >
> > Ok, I tried to solve this myself and I found at \
> >
> >
> > that is recommneded to change host-->server in line
> >
> > my $cs = "DBI:$driver:" . ($database ? "database=$database;" : '') .
> > "server=$hostname" . ($port ? ";port=$port" : '');
> >
> > so I changed that, but still I am getting same output for above command.
> >
> > I am just trying to get minimal response from MSSQL server, connection
> > to port 1433 is open and I can connect via
> > telnet sss.sss.sss.sss 1433  and it works.
> >
> > Any hint is welcome, I exhausted all my ideas, and thank you in advance
> I don't use freetds. Instead, I installed php5-sybase (and any
> dependencies if there were any, I can't remember) from the debian
> repositories (I'm using Ubuntu).
> I can run the plugin from the command line like so:
> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mssql -H -U loginid -P mypassword
> OK: Connect time=0.004189 seconds.
> Of course, the user "loginid" must be configured in MSSQL with the
> password "mypassword" to authenticate to the database.
> Some of our MSSQL servers have a specific instance, in which case you
> need to find the port number the instance is listening on, then use
> the following syntax to do the check:
> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mssql -H -u
> loginid -P mypassword
> OK: Connect time=0.045179 seconds.
> (1375 is the port number for this instance but it varies from one to the next)
> I found the check_mssql didn't like the hostname syntax when using IP
> addresses like this, so I changed it a bit by removing both the
> "Validate the hostname" and "Validate the username" sections.
> I also (very sloppily) altered the part where it checks if the
> expected result is emtpy like so:
> 287c205
> < if ($querytype == "query" && !empty($expected_result)) {
> ---
> > if ($querytype == "query" && (!empty($expected_result) ||
> $expected_result == "0")) {
> That was because I wanted to do a check which expected a result "0".
> hth,
> Jim
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