On Sep 22, 2009, at 1:40 PM, Deepak Joshi wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anybody help me to find out why my Nagios not sending any  
> notification. We are using nagios 3.03 with Ubantu.

Not based on the information provided in this e-mail.

> I can see that in the logs Nagios is monitoring our our server but  
> not sending any notification.

Please post the log entries for the host/service around the time you  
expect the notification to be sent. If you see a line like  
HOST_NOTIFICATION or SERVICE_NOTIFICATION, check your maillog file on  
your nagios machine.

Please also include the host{}, service{}, contactgroup{}, contact{},  
host or service notification command{} and timeperiod{} definitions  
from objects.cache for the host/service/contact that should have  
notified. All of these are relevant to the issue.

> Secondly, If I am sending a mail directly from a command line to all  
> the users listed on commands.cfg, we all are getting e-mail.

There are many variables here, not just being able to send to an  
address. Did you use the exact same command as defined for that  
contact's notification command, substituting appropriate values for  
the $MACROS$, testing as the nagios user?


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