You sent this issue in a previous thread , check the replies you got there .

Rick Garland wrote:
> Ping - any responses?
> Rick Garland
> Sr System Administrator
> Quantum, Corp.
> 8560 Upland Dr.
> Englewood, CO  80112
> office   720-249-5984
> cell      720-210-4671
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 7:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Nagios-users] event handler script not executing
> Hi all:
> Got Nagios core 3.2.0 on CentOS5. Been trying to get an event handler to
> execute but it will not. My configs;
> define service{
>     use                               local_service
>     host_name                    my_host
>     service_description         NFS Check
>     check_period                  24x7
>     check_interval                20
>     max_check_attempts     4
>     check_command            check_nrpe!check_nfs_mounts
>     event_handler_enabled    1
>     event_handler               
>     notification_period           24x7
>     notification_interval          120
>     contact_groups              colorado
> }
> define command{
>     command_name            remount-nfs
>     command_line               $USER1$/eventhandlers/remount-nfs
> }
> enable_event_handlers=1 in the nagios.cfg file
> The script itself is very simple. At CRITICAL/SOFT/3 and CRITCAL/HARD/4
> the script will execute. Running at command line as UID=nagios it runs
> fine.
> sudo is configured and nagios can mount NFS. 
> The entry in the nagios.log
> [1268099555] SERVICE_EVENT_HANDLER: my_host;NFS
> I have followed the process through and it will not execute the
> remount-nfs event handler command. 
> All perms, dir & file, have been checked. Everything else is working as
> it should including the $SERVICE* macros. Just the script is not being
> executed.
> What is missing?
> Many thanks

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