> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Garland [mailto:rick.garl...@quantum.com]
> >On Mar 10, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Rick Garland wrote:
> >> Hi Marc:
> >>
> >> In the script I have it doing a couple of arcane things for testing.
> >> I have it touch a file called 'test' and I have it echo the macro
> >> values to a file as well.
> >> These are successful.
> >
> >> When trying to launch from nagios these files are not present.
> >


> Many thanks. The issue was the requiretty. This is a new issue on RH
> and
> CentOS 5 and above.
> I have done the cleanup on event_handler definition. Didn't matter
> either way, did make the log entries cleaner.
> The tip from Stuart was the key to helping me resolve.
> Again, my apologies for the extraneous posts.

# From /etc/sudoers on our Nagios server:
Defaults:nagios !requiretty


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