Robert Jackson wrote:
> I’m in the process of setting up NRPE daemons on remote Linux servers 
> to enable me to monitor them. I’ve set-up a couple of checks (zombie 
> and total processes) as per the documentation. Everything is working 
> fine and Nagios reports correctly the numbers involved. I’m now 
> wondering if these checks can/will output to PNP4Nagios to enable them 
> to be graphed?
> Also what else can I use NRPE for to monitor Linux servers?

Hello Robert

To answer your first question - Yes PNP4Nagios will be able to graph the 
data .

The second question , short answer is - any thing you want , nrpe is 
only the "middle man" between the nagios server and the plugins to be 
executed on the remote machines , to that end it is able to do anything 
you write a plugin to check and pass the results back to nagios.


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