On Nov 5, 2010, at 6:38 PM, C. Bensend wrote:

>> I have a couple of systems that are reporting critical notifications, that
>> when you drill into them, the Service : Total Processes has been
>> triggered. Its showing critical process level of 231, 453, for example.
>> Which on a production server is nothing really --- my question is, how do
>> I change that threshold level to something like 750, or 1500?
>> Perhaps I'm not searching online for the correct term or using the right
>> parlance. Any ideas where this can be modified?
> If you have a look at the options for the plugin (hint:  ./plugin
> --help), they will reveal their secrets to you.  :)
> Then, using that knowledge, you can adjust your service check to
> use the appropriate values for your environment.
> Benny

Benny - thanks so much for replying. 

I was able to find the necessary parameters to adjust the "check_procs" plugin, 
from there I see that I can modify this in the monitored system's nrpe.cfg 
file. So I edited nrpe.cfg relevant line for check_procs to read as:

command[check_total_procs]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_procs -w 1000 -c 

then I restart munin-node:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/munin-node restart

Now I just got to figure out my other Nagios issues. Maybe another thread 
later. Thanks again Benny, and of course to the entire Nagios User list. Such a 
great resource

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