>> From the help for check_load (which I'm assuming you're using
>> in the command definition):
>> Usage:check_load [-r] -w WLOAD1,WLOAD5,WLOAD15 -c CLOAD1,CLOAD5,CLOAD15
>> So, in your service definition, you're telling check_load that you
>> want to trigger a critical condition if the 15 minute average is 4.0.
>> Yours is 4.06.  So, yes, it's critical.  :)
>> WLOAD1  = 1 minute average warning threshold
>> WLOAD5  = 5 minute average warning threshold
>> WLOAD15 = 15 minute average warning threshold
>> CLOAD1  = 1 minute average critical threshold
>> CLOAD5  = 5 minute average critical threshold
>> CLOAD15 = 15 minute average critical threshold
>> If you want your 15 minute average to *not* trigger a critical, you
>> need to adjust that last value (4.0) to something higher.
>> Benny
> That sounds logical, and this is what I've adjusted:
> check_command                   check_local_load!8.0,5.0,4.0!12.0,7.0,6.0
> but I've restarted the nagios process and the alert still persists. I dont
> see anything in nagios.log or /var/log/messages related to this either.
> what could I be missing?

Kill your Nagios daemon.

Now, kill the *other* Nagios daemon you have running.

If you make changes to your config file and send Nagios a SIGHUP (or
restart it) and the changes don't seem to "stick", you might have
multiple Nagios daemons running, one with an old config (that still
thinks 4.00 is a critical threshold), while the new daemon is
receiving the changes you mean to make.

This is a common issue, and it's easy to fix.  Shut down your daemon
via whatever method you have (service nagios stop, pkill, etc).  Then,
wait 30 seconds or so to allow outstanding service checks to wrap up,
and see if there are still Nagios processes hanging around.  If they
are, kill them too.  Wait another 30 seconds, rinse and repeat until
there are no more Nagios processes.

At that point, restart Nagios.  Do your changes take affect now?


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be instructed to treat every surveillance camera malfunction as a
full-scale emergency."
                       -- Peter Anspach's Evil Overlord List, #67

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