I've had a lot of experience using Nagios in my previous job, where we 
used it to monitor numerous hosts and many different types of services - 
albeit all in the same data center.

In my new job, however, I need to set up more sophisticated monitoring, 
since we have servers located in multiple data centers, with each data 
center containing a bunch of servers behind a firewall.  What are some 
of the best approaches for Nagios to handle monitoring a setup like this?

I'm assuming I'd need to set up multiple Nagios instances - one for each 
data center - with each one monitoring the servers behind that data 
center's firewall.  What I'm wondering then, though, is how best to tie 
that all together.  Would I need to run another, "main" nagios instance 
that takes in information from the others?  If so, how best to feed the 
data from the 2nd tier instances into the main one?  Passive checks 
sound like they could do the trick, but if I understand correctly, that 
would mean I'd need to define each service check on both the main 
instance (as a passive check) and on the 2nd tier instance (as an active 
check), which sounds like a bit of a configuration headache.

Anyone have any good suggested reading on how to best configure a setup 
like this?  Feel free to RTFM me, though I wasn't able to turn up much 
of use myself when searching on "nagios multiple data centers".



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