Jess, thanks for the explaining. What type of bit do you use to file it off and 
do you charge the same for this type of manicure as you do a fill with gel 

From: Jess in WA <>
To: NailTech <>
Sent: Sun, January 2, 2011 1:23:09 PM
Subject: Re: NailTech:: Question and other stuff...

Angie I'm glad the process is working for you.

I use Akzentz - one of the products left off the list with gel
colors.  They came out with Gel Color many years ago and has well over
100 colors.  Its 100% gel, not a hybrid, its in a pot and takes longer
to soak.  I started putting the layer of hard gel under the gel polish
to SPEED UP the process.  Soaking is  PITA as we all know.  And if you
have e-filed off porous gel before its like filing off acrylic - it
gets HOT.  I was sick of my clients getting heat spikes from e-filing
it off and jumping out of the chair scaring me to death.  I also had
some clients getting stress cracks in the sides of their nails because
they were wearing them longer and their nails weren't thick or hard
enough to keep them from cracking.  I'd end up patching their crack
with hard gel and discovered that those nails with the patch did NOT
get hot with the efile and I could file it off much faster!

So I started adding just ONE extra step.  I was already using a base
gel - now I use Bonding Gel.  My extra step adds the strength and
keeps the heat away - one thin layer of Natural (a semi-self leveling,
medium viscosity gel).  Then I go straight to my color and top gloss
(I use classic top gloss unless I'm doing glitter.. its cheaper than
soak off top glosses and since I'm not soaking off it isn't

Does this make my gel manicure a "classic clear fill + gel polish"?
Yes sortof - the layer of Natural is so thin that there is no arch -
which to me is necessary when doing classic gels.

I have just a few clients who go 2 weeks (simply because they like to
change colors).  Most of my clients go 3-4 weeks but they could go 6-8
if they needed to.  Their nails don't chip or break.  That thin layer
of Natural does wonders.  When I efile off the color, some of the
clear layer comes off too, but most of the nail stays protected by
it.  No dry nails (from polish hybrids), no white spots, no more
cracking, no more heat when e-filing it off.  Does it take more time?
Not at all - I was having to take MUCH longer to e-file their color
off when them jumping out of the chair. Now I can e-file it off like a
speed demon and not worry about it getting hot.  Honestly, its amazing
such a thin layer does the trick to solve all those problems.

**The exception; when I do not do the hard gel layer;  a first time
client or someone not planning to come back and see me.  then I do
Base'n'gloss and 2 coats of color, and Base'n'Gloss.  This allows the
gel to soak off quickly at home and lasts up to 2 weeks (basically
like shellac by itself).

Becky - I'm not sure why your gelish chipped off - did you remove the
tacky layer before you applied it?  Maybe its because its a hybrid or
something... honestly couldn't tell you.  I don't remove any tacky
layers until the end.  I'm using 100% gel with Akzentz and I never get
a chip.

Hope that helps explain the process.
Happy New Year All!!


Akzentz is current working on an LED cured Gel Polish (in a bottle)
that is 100% gel and will soak off as fast as the hybrids out today.
They have been paying attenion to the issues cause by the hybrids (the
white spots, drying, chipping, product settling and issue with having
to shake like crazy) - but they also know there are a lot of techs who
want a quick soaking polish so they are working on unique gel polish
to help with this.  So stay tuned.  ;)

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