Here is the latest in "What's wrong with people?"  I work in a salon with seven 
other people.  Everyone including the owner curses all of the time. I'm no 
prude, but dropping the F bomb in front of older women is wrong in any 
situation.  They never seem to edit what they say or how they say it. The other 
day I had an older client and my mother in law was waiting for me on the couch. 
One of my co-workers played a comedy routine on her phone really loud so that 
everyone could hear it. It was very offensive and inappropriate. My client told 
the girl to turn it off and another client said the same. The girl ignored both 
clients and let the thing play out. I was so embarrassed. I have brought up bad 
language twice before at meetings, they say they will quit, but never do. The 
owner is pretty bad also, and doesn't really care. The problem is, I really 
don't have a lot of choices in finding another place to go. I rent space and 
have been at this salon 2 years. I really don't want to change locations again, 
and don't no where I  would go. I'm getting too old to open my own place, and 
can't find anything small enough. I only work part time and don't know if I 
would want to put in the long hours of an owner. But I really hate being 
uncomfortable in a place I pay money for. One of my co-workers had trouble at 
the last place she worked because of her language. She thinks she has the right 
to say what ever she wants and doesn't want to change. Any ideas?  . 


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