I think they are in charge. They should ask their customers to please be 
considerate of the other customers and if they don't then they should be asked 
to leave.

From: Michelle Phoenix <wetpaintnail...@gmail.com>
To: nailtech@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, January 27, 2011 11:05:09 AM
Subject: Re: NailTech:: Re: The F Bomb

You won't go back to the restaurant because of other guests?  That's 
ridiculous.  They're not in charge of how their diners behave.

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Jill in Ky <jnai...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hey Lauren,
>  I can totally understand where you're coming from and agree that
>it's innapropriate, unprofessional, and embarassing. I can remember
>being in a very nice restaurant while at the Vegas show one year and
>the large group of people seated behind us sounded like they were
>trying out for a part in the mob movie "Goodfellows part II". It was
>extremely unclassy and I asked for the check after about 5 minutes of
>listening to the F-bombs going off right and left.
>  On the way out I asked to speak to the manager where upon I told
>her why we were leaving, how offended we were, and why we wouldn't be
>back. She apologized, but that was that. I believe if more clients
>actually told the manager how deeply offended they are by this
>cursing, perhaps an effort might be made to curb it. Otherwise, if
>it's just you complaining then everyone will just think that YOU are
>the one with the problem....too churchy and you need to lighten up.
>    If things don't change and you stay there, then it gives everyone
>the impression that you condone the cursing, too. Plus one day this
>might rub off on you and you'll suddenly find yourself cursing right
>along with them. There's a time and a place for cursing....like when
>you smash your finger in the car door or open up an unexpected letter
>from the IRS, and I can curse with the best of them, too. But not
>during random conversations out in public or at work!
>  I know you hate to move and it's expensive in your neck of the
>woods, but perhaps you should be scoping out your options anyway.
>Everyone needs to have a "plan B" in life:)
>Jill Wright
>Bowling Green, KY.
>On Jan 24, 1:36 pm, Lauren Dodson <april392...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Here is the latest in "What's wrong with people?"  I work in a salon with 
>> other people.  Everyone including the owner curses all of the time. I'm no
>> prude, but dropping the F bomb in front of older women is wrong in any
>> situation.  They never seem to edit what they say or how they say it. The 
>> day I had an older client and my mother in law was waiting for me on the 
>> One of my co-workers played a comedy routine on her phone really loud so that
>> everyone could hear it. It was very offensive and inappropriate. My client 
>> the girl to turn it off and another client said the same. The girl ignored 
>> clients and let the thing play out. I was so embarrassed. I have brought up 
>> language twice before at meetings, they say they will quit, but never do. The
>> owner is pretty bad also, and doesn't really care. The problem is, I really
>> don't have a lot of choices in finding another place to go. I rent space and
>> have been at this salon 2 years. I really don't want to change locations 
>> and don't no where I  would go. I'm getting too old to open my own place, and
>> can't find anything small enough. I only work part time and don't know if I
>> would want to put in the long hours of an owner. But I really hate being
>> uncomfortable in a place I pay money for. One of my co-workers had trouble at
>> the last place she worked because of her language. She thinks she has the 
>> to say what ever she wants and doesn't want to change. Any ideas?  .
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Michelle Phoenix
Owner & Elite Licensed Nail Technician

Wet Paint Nail Spa
Online Booking Available
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