I just hate politics, hurt feelings, and other stuff, so I'm asking here first. There's a nice NANOG 40 link on the front of the Wiki, but that's over. I'm thinking it ought not to disappear, but rather move off to a Prior NANOG Meetings (there's some great links to restaurants that I'd hate to see lost, and other useful stuff as well). Then there could be a NANOG 41 link instead (or perhaps a Current Meeting, which would lead off to NANOG 41 for now).

It's also my intent to look at the old FAQ, see what's missing in the Wiki (and there are some things, for better or worse, that might be), and put it all in one spot. Then, I really, really, really think that the FAQ ought to go away, to be entirely replaced by the Wiki (which is now far more up to date).

Other than some vague grammatical errors, I've done nothing, as of yet.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.


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