On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 01:17:37PM -1000, Randy Bush wrote:
> Lynda wrote:
> > I just hate politics, hurt feelings, and other stuff, so I'm asking here
> > first. There's a nice NANOG 40 link on the front of the Wiki, but that's
> > over. I'm thinking it ought not to disappear, but rather move off to a
> > Prior NANOG Meetings (there's some great links to restaurants that I'd
> > hate to see lost, and other useful stuff as well). Then there could be a
> > NANOG 41 link instead (or perhaps a Current Meeting, which would lead
> > off to NANOG 41 for now).
> sounds cool!  good not to lose that stuff.

Been done - see category past meetings and  'current events'.   39
(toronto) saw serious usage and that one is retaained. I started to 
try and backfiill some data but folks got up in arms about actually 
crediting the sponsors [shrug].

Great that people want to talk about the wiki here since attempts to 
gain traction on nanog-faq list failed.

> > It's also my intent to look at the old FAQ, see what's missing in the
> > Wiki (and there are some things, for better or worse, that might be),
> > and put it all in one spot. Then, I really, really, really think that
> > the FAQ ought to go away, to be entirely replaced by the Wiki (which is
> > now far more up to date).
> seems like a plan
Some shred of concensus regarding standards of content would ue nice.
There's a raft of contradictory stufff that was introduced.

NANOG 41 framwork dropped into place aa la 39 and 40. edit away!

             RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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