Lynda wrote:

This is using a hammer to swat a fly. Not only is it not the right tool, but it's far less accurate. Please note that the makers of mailman, while providing this functionality, recommend against it. Me, too.

Michael was not talking about using the reply-to header, which is what your link, and the rest of your email is directed against. I support using the reply-to header, regardless of all the people that whine against it, and do so unconditionally on all the lists I run. None of my list members whine about it.

I'm on a couple of lists where the reply-to header is munged in just this way. I hate it. I much prefer the extra effort that says to send to the list, rather than constantly checking to make sure that a private message is not being sent to the list by accident.

If you are responding to an email where the reply-to is set to the list, with content that doesn't belong to the list, I guess you have to make sure that it's not actually sent to the list. The "reply-to" header is there for a reason, and the mailing list software supports setting it for a reason. Many list owners and list members actually don't want responses going off-list, as the answer gets lost from the list, and you end up with a lit of "me too" requests for the same information.

Majordomo can be set to do this. I hope that nanog (and its attendant lists) are never set up this way. I have reasonable expertise in managing either style of list, and find pluses and minuses in each, but consider header munging to be a negative anywhere it's done.

I doubt that nanog lists will use the reply-to header, as too many whiners are on the list and complain endlessly about it.

Sean, not picking on you, but this touched a nerve. Out of control vacation (and other autoresponder) programs should be dealt with one at a time, as needed. There's already enough rules.

It's a nerve on my side as well, as quite frankly I do not desire any email from the list members directly unless I know them, or ask specifically for it to be private. This is a public mailing list in a public organization. All conversations should be public.

That said, I respect your opinion, and will defend your right to have an opinion.

And setting the "reply-to" does not fix the problem of broken autoresponders. They do not change the "from" header, so the message posters are likely to still get SOME vacation responses. It's better them than the list.


(Please respond only through the mailing list)

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