On 10/30/07, Martin Hannigan wrote:

> We've already talked about this. It was left at "possible".
> I don't agree that operational issues related to the Internet needs to
> be segregated from the main list, just the politics and kookery. I'm
> not in favor of mailops@ since opening up such a topic as a free for
> all is a recipe for disaster.
> Spam-l is well established and accepts operators. Go west young man.
> Otherwise, use your kill file, Luke.
I'm very much with Marty on this one. The mail issues *as they are
relevant* to the network operators are on-topic here, and there's no need
to create a separate list.

If the original poster was looking for specific "mail operations" list, I
do not think it is within the scope of NANOG, as per charter. There are
other organizations that are better geared for this. MAAWG for 'big boys', 
spam-l for 'everyone'. 

To run the mailing list that is both open to everyone and relevant to
'people who actually matter' is hard even when we are talking about
network operations, which doesn't attract kooks and heated opinions 
anywhere as much as any subject dealing with mail or spam. Let's try to do 
that with nanog-list first.

alex [nanog mlc chair]

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