

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Pilosov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 30, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: [nanog-admin] Vote on AUP submission to SC

Sorry for the delay, I was catching up with RL things after nanog.

I'd like to call for a vote on modified AUP to be submitted to SC. We've
already voted on each specific thing, but haven't voted on
full AUP.

1. Discussion will focus on Internet operational and technical issues
as described in the charter of NANOG.
2. Postings of issues inconsistent with the charter are prohibited.
3. Cross posting is prohibited.
4. Postings that include foul language, character assassination, and
lack of respect for other participants are prohibited.
5. Product marketing is prohibited.
6. Postings of political, philosophical, and legal nature are
7. Using list as source for private marketing initiatives is prohibited
8. Autoresponders sending mail either to the list or to the poster
are prohibited.

I'd like to draw your attention particularly to #8 - while we agreed on
policy to forbid autoresponders, we haven't voted on the specific language
on it. I think the above is short and simple enough.

Differences from previous AUP:

Clause #3: crossposting is prohibited instead of discouraged.

Clause #5: instead of "blatant product marketing is discouraged" we have
"product marketing is prohibited".

Clause #6: political etc postings are prohibited instead of discouraged.

Clause #7 "Postings to the list must be made using real, identifiable
names and addresses, rather than aliases." is removed.

New clause #7: "Using list as source for private marketing initiatives is
prohibited." is added.

New clause #8: "Autoresponders sending mail either to the list or to the
poster are prohibited."



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