On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:

> Pete Templin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> And seriously, can we stop with the "if you don't like it, you must
>> volunteer to serve on it to effect your desired changes" mantra?
> Why?  The people who bellyache and the people who have skin in the
> game are by and large a disjoint set.  As someone who's put up (in
> more ways than one), I encourage those who are not willing to "put up"
> to "shut up".

Speaking as somebody who has "put up" a few times, and who has been more 
recently shutting up most of the time...

>> For the record, I don't care if that particular thread dies; it'd
>> strayed off-topic.  However, I think the policy interpretation is too
>> strict and warrants clarification.
> Reasonable people may disagree with any particular MLC action,
> however, I don't think that overall policy interpretation is too
> strict right now.

It seems to me that there are two issues, topicality and quality.

I'm not generally finding the NANOG list worth reading these days, and 
that makes me sad.  I don't think I've noticed anything particularly 
off-topic recently.  The mailing list committee must be doing a good job 
of dealing with that sort of thing.  What I am seeing is discussion 
threads going on and on and on, long after there's nothing new left to 
say.  Mostly this seems to be a fairly small group of people who appear to 
feel compelled to voice strong opinions over and over again on every topic 
that comes up, whether it's something they know anything about or not.  I 
don't think those people add any value to the discussion, and I don't 
think the hordes of people who generally jump in to argue with them from 
different but equally uninformed perspectives do either.  But, most of the 
time those people are on-topic.  They're just not useful or interesting.

I'd be quite happy to see the list administrators going to some of the 
most frequent posters and asking them to post less, whether on topic or 


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