Steve Gibbard wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:

>> Why?  The people who bellyache and the people who have skin in the
>> game are by and large a disjoint set.  As someone who's put up (in
>> more ways than one), I encourage those who are not willing to "put up"
>> to "shut up".
> Speaking as somebody who has "put up" a few times, and who has been more 
> recently shutting up most of the time...

Honestly, some of us would love to help out, but working 12 to 14 hour 
days in technology keep any desires to spend all personal time working 
technology to a minimum.  That does not mean that we are either lazy or 
that have no good ideas or input.

> I'm not generally finding the NANOG list worth reading these days, and 
> that makes me sad.  I don't think I've noticed anything particularly 
> off-topic recently.  

I don't know that the content on the nanog list has really changed in 
the 10+ years that I've been around it.  There are a few posts of 
interesting content buried in 10 posts that are not.

I really don't know that anything is really broken, so I'm not sure that 
there is really anything to fix.


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