I'm on the fence about this one, so I thought I would make my
Friday afternoon interesting by asking to be repeatedly pummelled...
I mean, asking for opinions of other folks on the list.  Whatcha think?


Subj: Network Solutions hijacking sub-domains

[ It appears to me that this is quite similar to the spammer/SEO scammer
tactic of creating link farms. ---Rsk ]

Noted via Slashdot:

        Network Solutions Advertises On Your Sub-Domains

Which says

        "The Register reports that customers have found that their
        defunct or forgotten-about sub-domains have been taken over by
        Network Solutions to send users to ad pages. By digging through
        a 59K-word user agreement, you can find the following text:
        'You also agree that any domain name directory, sub-directory,
        file name or path (e.g.) that does not resolve to an active
        web page on your Web site being hosted by Network Solutions,
        may be used by Network Solutions to place a "parking" page,
        "under construction" page, or other temporary page that may
        include promotions and advertisements for, and links to, Network
        Solutions' Web site...'"

The Register's coverage:

        Network Solutions hijacks customer sub-domains for ad fest

Techcrunch's reporting:

        Network Solutions Hijacking Unassigned Sub-Domains


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