"Paul Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> -- Alex Pilosov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>By now it's no news to anyone on -futures or the main list that the SC
>>unanimously decided to dissolve the current Mailing List Committee (to
>>be blunt, fire all existing MLC members) and start anew.
> I guess my first question is: Is a mailing list "committee"
> really needed?
> This seemed like a mistake when it was first imposed, and now it
> seems like a larger mistake.
> Committees always seem to fail.
> Gone are the free & easy days, I suppose.

Hi Paul,

Allow me to refresh your memory - under the previous regime, someone
was thrown off the list for humorously invoking Godwin's Law because
the person who was in a position to make that decision didn't get the
joke.  Someone else was thrown off "for swearing" when, as I recall,
the profanity was directed at a particular piece of hardware, not one
of his colleagues (and likely echoed the sentiments of everyone else
who's had the misfortune to use said steaming heap).

This sort of action was the big catalyzing factor for the reform
movement, and consensus at the time seemed to be that we needed
community representatives to form an MLC to exercise judgement in that
sort of enforcement, so that it was congruent with community

While I was on the MLC, at least, our requests to people to modify
their behavior generally took on a "we'd appreciate it if you'd honor
our AUP by $ACTION" tone rather than "You are being warned, blah blah
blah".  Simply put, we tried to be laid back about enforcement and
nice about the whole thing (though I'm sure there are people to whom
we had to state our position more vigorously who would disagree!).

I tend to concur that the current situation has become untenable;
there is too much reliance on process and trying to document and plan
in advance for every eventuality rather than the good judgement of the
MLC (which hopefully is why they were appointed in the first place!).

I'd be less than forthright to not point out that the job is kind of
thankless, but why don't you throw your hat into the ring anyway (if
you're eligible, that is; I didn't check who's who on the PC and SC,
but I don't recall you being there)?  I think you'd bring some good
perspective and be helpful.


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