On Thu, 15 Apr 2010, vijay gill wrote:

> I have been to a few and I read the notes. Still not quite sure what
> problem this is hoping to solve.

As I said, I wasn't privvy to most of the discussions surrounding this.  I 
don't really know what's being proposed, or what's transpired between the 
Austin NANOG (when I last discussed this with some of the people involved) 
and now.

The catalyst for some of the discussion in Austin was that Merit had laid 
off some of the staff members involved in running the NANOG organization 
and producing the conferences.  There was a lot of apprehension among some 
who had been previously very happy with the job Merit was doing of running 
NANOG about what this meant, and whether Merit would remain committed to 
NANOG and its open governance process.

That's the end of what I know.  What follows is speculation.

The NANOG meetings, at least, are probably big enough that they do need 
professional coordination, no matter who owns them.  It seems conceivable 
that NANOG Inc. could be an Ann Arbor based organization, hire the 
organizing staff that Merit has laid off, and continue with the meeting 
staff status quo.  Or it could have different staff, be outsourced to some 
other industry organization, or contracted out to one of the many 
conference organizing companies.  I'm interested in seeing which direction 
the Steering Committee wants to go on this, or if they've gotten that far 


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