On 10/27/10 1:22 PM, Simon Lyall wrote:
> 4.1 (new) Members are required to be active within the Internet
>    network operations community by way of current employment or previous
>    employment if retired, participation in industry forums, academic
>    instruction or scholarship, or volunteer positions.
> How does this affect people who lose their jobs, become managers or
> otherwise are no longer "network operators" but not "retired" ?

If they are involved in the network operations community, then they are 
allowed to be members.  There is no language that states that existing 
members are rejected if they loos their jobs.  As long as they keep 
their membership current, they should be able to retain their 
membership.  This assumes, of course, that they have an interest to 

If someone leaves the network operations community for an extended 
period of time, say over a year, I am not sure why they would wish to 
remain a member of NewNOG and pay the fee.

And it does not say anywhere that an individual must be a tier 1 or tier 
2 support technician or engineer.  I believe that managers, directors, 
VPs, etc are still involved in the Network Operations community as long 
as they are working for a network operator, or related company (such as 
an equipment manufacturer).

Basically, the above section says, "Members can become members if they 
want."  Participation in the NANOG mailing lists or conferences would 
easily qualify someone for membership.

I see no need to modify this section, since it is largely open already.


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