On 10/27/2010 1:14 PM, Joe Abley wrote:
> On 2010-10-27, at 15:43, Sean Figgins wrote:
>> If someone leaves the network operations community for an extended
>> period of time, say over a year, I am not sure why they would wish to
>> remain a member of NewNOG and pay the fee.

> If they did wish to remain a member of NewNOG, however, I'm not sure
> why NewNOG should say no.

> I would strike the whole of 4.1. I see no reason for it. If orchid
> enthusiasts want to join NANOG, let them join.

Okay, here's a test. If I'm willing to pay the fee, may I join? I am 
asking if I'd be permitted to under the current definition. I don't 
fancy orchids much, but I have my own Cisco router.

Finding a needle in a haystack is a lot easier
if you burn down the haystack and scan the ashes
with a metal detector.
   (Silicon Valley Tarot: Steve Jackson Games)

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