On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Daniel Golding wrote:

> I'm not sure your annoyance with Qwest has any basis in their lack of
> performance, as far as IP routing. BGP decision rules and other networks'
> routing policies will govern which paths are used for your routes. Here is
> an example...

No, my annoyance was definitely with their support, not with their
network. I recognize that my experience with complex inter-AS routing is
minimal...I think my post indicates that. Anyway, check the Subject.

> ISPs get a heavy volume of calls every day. While Qwest may not have the
> greatest customer service, it's not like you were actually down or had a
> qwest originated routing issue. If that were the case, my sympathy would be
> greater.

True, but my point was basically "Had I had a _real_ problem, I would have
been screwed." They didn't know if I had am emergency issue or not...they
knew enough to know I was asking a BGP question, and they couldn't find
anybody for me to talk to. If, say, somebody was announcing routes from my
blocks...I would have been just as out of luck.

I'm not asking for sympathy here...I've been reading nanog for several
years and reading/posting to inet-access since 95...I know that these
lists are the LAST place to go for sympathy :)

Glad I posted though, I've receieved several helpful notes on avoiding
qwest's nonsense and getting somebody clued on the phone.


Andy Dills                              301-682-9972
Xecunet, LLC                            www.xecu.net
Dialup * Webhosting * E-Commerce * High-Speed Access

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