> > There are some relatively small regionals like NYIIX where you won't find
> > many large carriers, but they still have their own little nitch markets.  
> There's been rumors of NYIIX and PAIX-NY linking up like SIX and
> PAIX-seattle.

It's not a rumour.  PAIX is interconnecting with NYIIX as soon as the
fiber engineering people say that the photons will travel end to end.

> >   * Price - In these times of cost conciousness (and transit available 
> >     for less than the price of peering), many people are taking a step back
> >     and realizing that PAIX services are OUTRAGEOUSLY priced vs the
> >     competition. Some big carriers are turning down their PAIX switch
> >     ports, even at Palo Alto.
> Which is why I was surprised that Paul offered PAIX-seattle connectivity
> for a $300 one-time charge for those who are already connected to SIX.

We aren't silly, and since it would be silly to fail to recognize that some
peers want/need different service levels than others, we recognized it and
are acting on it.

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