> >> I would expect that if the Equinix exchange participants were IPv6
> >> hungry ...
> Let me toss in a question that may really be dumb...  what are those
> that are hungry for IPV6 doing with it?

        Id guess meeting customer demand?

> I figure that organizations that run IPV6 now think they are 
> ahead of the game.  Are they?  Is this something that responsible 
> ISPs should be doing?   

        Depends on what you think the game is.  Being able to 
        get more address space than you can conceivably need
        can be a powerful motivator. 

> Would this turn our network into one big NAT area when we have to
> translate into IPV4 addresses at the edge to get to the real Internet?

        Perhaps.  The migration issues are not all that well thought
        out and there are some real pitfalls in the details. Call it 
        early adopter syndrome.

> -mark
>  !bankrupt, hence !Tier1

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