On 2002-05-21-00:14:30, Gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...] Sort of like buying a GbE interface for a 7200 (It only get's
> 10% throughput...  Why waste the money, just buy FE!).

How did the Foundry test lab arrive at those figures, and what
substances were consumed at the time?

I'd say 300+ mbit/sec on a PA-GE is a more accurate real-world limit,
assuming you've got plenty of spare CPU cycles to burn, and no ACL's.

Besides, that's really an apples to oranges comparison.  I don't think
anyone, including Cisco, has ever made the claim that it can do line
rate GbE; that's not to say it isn't useful for certain topologies
requiring slightly-faster-than-fast-e router<->switch uplinks, etc.


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