
> > that want 4 X 10 GbE on each module (8 slot chassis).  I
> > expect this will be a perfect 40G throughput since I've never
> > seen us do anything less than perfect (been working here
> > since August).
> Oh phuleeese.... Stop drinking your own Kool-Aid(tm). To honestly
> suggest that Foundry, or any other vendor for that matter, never does
> 'anything less than perfect' is nothing less than idiotic. If Foundry
> does things so 'perfect' why do they have a TAC? Why do they have bugs?
> Why do they even need to release new software ever again? Obviously what
> is out now will solve every possible issue - its 'perfect' right? The
> only possible answer according to your logic, is to support customers
> who are 'doing it wrong' and need to be educated.

Topic is performance.  Not sugary beverages.  Sorry for not making that
clear.  Let me reword.  My bad:  "perfect performance on 10GbE".  I believe
I also mentioned our 8G per slot throughput limitation not to mislead people
to think we do 10GbE non-blocking.  Same limitation as the Cat6500 once it
gets up to speed.

> Go find the nice black shirts that were passed out at Foundry's last
> Kool-Aid fest. You are in obvious need of one. This is NOT the place to
> post vendor FUD. All you are doing is making Foundry look bad, and
> making yourself look even worse.

Didn't you pass out those shirts?  Everything I posted concerning
performance of 10GbE I saw for myself.  All other information was publicly
available and concerns operators interested in 10GbE.  Many of them are
unaware of their options and I wanted to bring Foundry to light.

Reading NANOG you would think that the only way to spot Nimda would be NBAR
and the only MPLS is Juniper.  The post I replied to is a person considering
10GbE in a 6500.  I've seen the performance on this at a customer site with
SmartBits.  The channel became a Foundry reseller because of this specific

Now the same configuration comes up on NANOG and I wanted the person
thinking about the 6500/10GbE solution to be aware of what I saw.  Perhaps
the performance is faster than 4G today (My info is a month old).  If I were
to leave Foundry today (to make them look better) and work for another
company (McDonalds?), I would have sent the same post (would you like fries
with that?).  You can't forget what you see.  I have tested our 10GbE


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