On Thu, 23 May 2002, Dan Hollis wrote:
> On Thu, 23 May 2002, Steven J. Sobol wrote:
> > On Thu, 23 May 2002, E.B. Dreger wrote:
> > > EIDE-based flash drives have become very inexpensive.  Some
> > > embedded systems use CompactFlash boards.
> > Can you set flash drives to be write-only?
> Why would you want to do this?

Duh. Sorry about the brainfart. I was about to launch into a long 
explanation of what I want to do when I realized I wrote "write-only"
instead of "read-only." I meant "read-only."

Note to self: Engage brain *before* fingers.

Steve Sobol, CTO (Server Guru, Network Janitor and Head Geek)
JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH  888.480.4NET   http://JustThe.net
"In a 32-bit world, you're a 2-bit user/You've got your own newsgroup:
alt.total.loser"   - "Weird Al" Yankovic, "It's All About the Pentiums"

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