Vinny Abello wrote:
>> First off, you're right about moving parts generally being a bad
>> thing. However, it is not always necessary to eliminate the hard
>> drive.  Two drives in a RAID-0 configuration may be reliable
>> enough.  Especially if the failure of a single drive sets off
>> sufficient alarms so that it can quickly be hot-swapped for a new
>> drive.
> I'm assuming you meant RAID-1. In RAID-0 if you 'swapped' any drive
> all your striped data is toast. ;)

Oops.  Yes.  of course I meant RAID-1.

>> Then there's the issue of the PCI bus.  Standard PCI (32-bit 33MHz)
>> has a theoretical maximum bandwidth of about 1Gbit/s.  But you can
>> never use all of a PCI bus's bandwidth, so actual limits will be
>> less than this.
> True... unless going for 64 bit PCI at 66MHz... 

64/66 PCI has 4 times as much bandwidth - about 4Gbit/s.  Much better
than standard PCI, but hard to find on a PC-compatible motherboard, and
expensive when you do find it.  Enough bandwidth for 10 line-rate 100M
Ethernet ports or six line-rate OC-3 ports (in theory, anyway).  But not
really enough for anything faster (OC-12 or GigE) if you want line-rate

-- David

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