On Wed, 22 May 2002, Scott Granados wrote:

> the other hand I can think of some good reasons why someone might not
> have a degree but still be totally qualified.

*jumping on my soap box*
I have to say that the idea of requiring a degree for the IT industry is
obsurd.  Sure it is an easy way to discount the ones that are too stupid
to perform the job, but there are a lot of very qualified people in the
pool that don't have degrees.  For instance, I do network engineering,
design and troubleshooting for a lot of people (including being a Level-3
with VT's 4help staff)  but I don't have a degree YET..In fact I'm failing
several classes that aren't related to Comp Engineering.  So why should I
be judged over my abilities to find the forces on objects instead of my
abilities to troubleshoot a network that is having problems?  Here's my
current problem...I had a very good offer for a co-op at the same
place where I had an internship for last summer and MORE than proved my abilities.  
But because
it was a government position they asked for my transcript and then "selectively lost" 
my co-op forms.
So why should I be judged on my GPA (which is still higher than most of
the engineers at Virginia Tech) instead of my past experience level?  I
know several degree holding people who couldn't code or troubleshoot a
network if they tried, and that is what they studied in college.  And
lastly, why should I be required to hold a degree in a field that isn't
even the same as what I do for a living....A computer engineer/scientist
only learns in college how to code software or design hardware.  Not how
to maintain a network or configure a router.  That is what the career
certs are for, they should be designed into college curriculums and then
maybe I would enjoy my college experience......
*stepping down*

BTW I'm looking for a summer job, it seems nobody wants networking
interns....I've had 10 full-time offers but nothing for summer only....And
yes companies are hiring left and right for IT people and the industry is
picking back up.

- Andrew
ICQ: 2895251
Cisco Certified Network Associate
Development Assistant: Netpath/Stratonet, Inc.
                       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them 

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