On Wed, 22 May 2002, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> Thus spake "Stephen Kowalchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Certification in the IT industry has become a nightmare
> > because people who are less than clueful have abused it in
> > the hiring and compensation processes.
> Picture yourself as a job-seeker three years ago.  Every recruiter you call
> hangs up on you because you don't have a CCNA.  What's the obvious
> conclusion?  CCNA == job.
> Try getting an accounting job without being a CPA; it's possible in some
> states, but it's not easy.

Your analogy is flawed. You have to be certified by the local bar 
association to practice law in most states, and unless I'm mistaken (and
I might be) you have to have taken the CPA test and be certified as a CPA,
because the government says so.

Steve Sobol, CTO (Server Guru, Network Janitor and Head Geek)
JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH  888.480.4NET   http://JustThe.net
"In a 32-bit world, you're a 2-bit user/You've got your own newsgroup:
alt.total.loser"   - "Weird Al" Yankovic, "It's All About the Pentiums"

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