SJW> Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 19:28:41 +0100 (BST)
SJW> From: Stephen J. Wilcox

SJW> BGP first checks all kinds of network admin defined things
SJW> such as local prefs etc which ought to be properly set by
SJW> the admins to ensure traffic is going the best way (which
SJW> should include local interconnects rather than last resort
SJW> transits). Then all things being well BGP can make choices
SJW> on path!

That's what happened here.  Rather than transitting the traffic
via a "last resort" across town/state, the higher local-pref of a
"local" peer won.

Geography requirements for peers aren't inherently bad.  There's
a point where things get extreme, but it would be nice to see
nationals peer in the south as well.  If one has peering
requirements, at least set them to reach a positive goal...

Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - EverQuick Internet Division
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