ML> Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:34:34 -0700
ML> From: Mathew Lodge

ML> So, you're advocating that the admin do all of the
ML> optimization manually for all destinations by setting
ML> preferences?

If I find "6347 3561 1" works better than "3549 1", I'll tune
local-pref accordingly.  The OP had a much more clear-cut case
where "Cox AT&T XO" left much to be desired.

Of course, note that we discuss outbound traffic.  The OP might
wish for a good return path, too, being a traffic sink.  Without
selective prepends, it's time for some coarse tuning.

Won't start that thread again due to underwhelming interest (at
least when I tried to put together a resource on providers who
offer that).  Looks like the simple answer is: few do.

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