On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Clayton Fiske wrote:

> Fair enough. I agree with the idea in spirit. However, care must be
> taken to define acceptable criteria.

Oh, absolutely. Escalation is not something that should be taken lightly.
e.g. for MAPS, escalation was (is?) only used as a last resort.

> I think the concerns here (at
> least my concerns) are that a) some organizations do it before exhausting
> other avenues, and b) the avenues for removal from such listings can
> be difficult to nonexistent (as is the case with SPEWS, from the sound
> of it).

> I think one must be cautious to avoid seeking vengeance on something
> whose mere existence bothers them,

Yes. There are well-documented cases of people getting into trouble when
they let their personal opinions and emotions get in the way of running 
such a list.

> Agreed. However, my impression from the initial post(s) in this thread
> is that the specific list(s) in question have not been doing this.

Yup. I think we have to be careful not to let this thread go completely
off-topic. I think I'm going to do a little more research before posting
further on the topic, though. As I said, I've never been in a situation 
where I have to ask SPEWS to delist me.

Steve Sobol, CTO  JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH  888.480.4NET
- I do my best work with one of my cockatiels sitting on each shoulder -
6/4/02:A USA TODAY poll found that 80% of Catholics advocated a zero-tolerance 
stance towards abusive priests. The fact that 20% didn't, scares me...

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