On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:

> The very last thing you should do is try to contact any blacklist
> operator and try to gget them to remove the entry for your server(s) or
> network(s).  If there's no "de-list my server" or "re-check my server"
> button on the main web site for a given blacklist then there's probably
> no mechanism, formal or otherwise, for getting de-listed (and there
> doesn't need to be).  Your issue is with those using the blacklist to
> block your server(s) or network(s), not with the blacklist operator.

Actually, I would contend that.  When a blacklist operator has not played
Find-The-Authoritative-Database to its final conclusion, the issue _is_
with the blacklist operator in getting them to use the correct database,
_not_ the blacklist user.

Occasionally, the issue of educating the blacklist operator does fall to
the operator of the authoritative database, and a formal contact address
does indeed help with that.  However, education is a two-way process, and
with SPEWS intentionally being a system that you cannot contact, this
tends to fall down.

> Now that we've sorted out the operational procedures for dealing with
> these issues can we please stop all this silly whining?  Thanks!


I work for, but do not speak for, the RIPE NCC.

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