> > But there is intermediate altenative - create organization with all isps 
> > as its members (kind of like ARIN/APNIC/RIPE for mail service providers) 
> > and have all downstream corporate customers be required to either also be 
> > member of this organization or relay email through its isp. Do note that 
> I'm *sure* that our connectivity provider will want us to forward us
> several million pieces of email a day, just so they can forward it
> along, if we decided to not join.  So we have our choices of joining
> (probably with a membership fee), letting a provider that probably doesn't
> want our load relay our mail (and that will cost *them* money for a mail
> server hefty enough to do it), or filter port 25 because we didn't pay...

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of autentication with using 
SSL certicates for authentication of mail servers from member.Administering
large list is a nightmare so its easier that initial or direct member get 
certicare from root organization and then members can themselve issue 
(and revoke) a certificate to large enough customers with a backroute 
that if mailserver does not accept your certificate, you can send email 
through upstream. 
> Looks like a good candidate for getting sued via RICO.  "An offer you can't
> refused".  Hmm...
This one I agree, serious legal problems that will arise due to large
marketing houses and some free-speach groups will need to be worked out.
But if there are anti-SPAM laws on country-level on majority of the world
and most isps agree that to some kind of mediation organization, this can 
be overcome.

William Leibzon
Elan Communications Inc. 

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